Monday, September 1, 2014

Aku Yang Bodoh

Gunung berapi

Benih yang ditanam disiram setiap hari,
Dengan harapan menghasilkan buah yang berkualiti.
Asimilasikan konsep ini ke dalam pengisian rohani,
Iman harus disemai,
Kesabaran yang 'berkualiti' dinanti.

Aku sedar,
Aku manusia,
Tahu akan kesalahan namun
Tetap mengulanginya,
Aku bodoh.

Pabila syaitan menguasai diri,
Aku jadi lupa Allah,
Iman ku bergoyang seperti di badai angin pantai,
Syaitan ketawa kegembiraan,
Aku sedih pabila muncul kesedaran,
Aku sememangnya bodoh.

Jika aku kuat iman,
Semua ini tak mungkin terjadi,
Aku mahu iman yang utuh supaya
Aku tak mudah meletus seperti gunung berapi,
Aku mahu kedamaian seperti lautan biru.

Konkrit kan iman supaya kita aman :))

Saturday, March 15, 2014

MH 370

It been 8 days
The missing aircraft
Everybody worries
Raise our hands and
Pray for their safety

The latest news
Boeing 370 had been hijacked

We are too weak
We cant stop anything
Bcs Allah plans everything
So, dont doubt Allah power

If they are still alive
Please come back

There's hikmah :)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Angry Bird


How to control?
It's hard tho
Yes absolutely

When you're angry
Try to calm yourself
Wudhu' then make a solat sunat
Recite the quran
In Shaa Allah
We'll feel calm

Holy Quran
Our main refrence
It tells us about every single thing
Yes quran is beautiful
Every kalimah has meaning
It's deep

*read surah al kahf every friday and surah al mulk every day :)

Friday, January 24, 2014



It does takes time,
Keep calm and istiqamah,
Your niah is important,
Your action,
Your aim,
Because Jannah is not cheap.

He is the one,
He is the maker,
He is the planner,
He sets up everything,

Do you miss Him?
Prove it!
Our prophet saw,
The one who really loves his ummah,
Allahumma solli ala muhammad

#Note to self